Friday, June 29, 2012

My Favorite Holiday

Yep – it is a close call, but the 4th of July tops Christmas for me.  Here are a few reasons why:
  • No gifts to buy
  • I get to wear short sleeves, shorts, sandals, and sunglasses
  • I get together with ALL of my husband’s family on his mother’s side for a big picnic and family  picture. 
  • We get together with our friends and have fun.
  • There are FIREWORKS!! 
  • I might even indulge in some ice cream or a funnel cake.
After I posted my previous blog, I decorated the house for the 4th.  I’ve got flags, stars, eagles, and lots of red, white and blue.  The blanket my mother made for my husband on his 30th birthday is proudly stretched out on the couch.  Yes, I am upset with the government right now, but deep inside, I am still very proud to be an American.  I love my country.

My mom made this for my husband and gave it to him on his 30th birthday.  It is beautiful and one of the items our entire family cherishes.   She made blankets for the kids when they were babies - also cherished items.  I don't have a blanket that is 'just mine' so I share this one.  (hint, hint to my momma)

God Bless the USA!!

How do you celebrate the 4th?   

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let's Roar

I kept it short and simple on my Facebook status.  But here, I will expound.

My favorite quote I heard today watching the news was, “They have awaken a sleeping giant.”  

I use to watch the news all the time.  And I mean ALL THE TIME.  I was glued to Fox News and watched it three hours a day, five days a week and some on the weekends.  After a while though, I realized it was affecting me and my family in a negative way.  So I stopped and used my time in another way.  This was very necessary and I do not regret it at all.  Now though, I realize I went to the other extreme.  I need to watch some news - maybe 30 minutes a day.  I need to do this to stay informed and educated so I know how to pray, decide and vote - because I was one of the sleeping.  I do not consider myself a giant, but I was not aware and uninformed of what was going on in our country.  Today was a big wake up for me.  I plan to do some roaring.

I keep hearing on of my favorite praise songs in my head:
Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to see a revolution somehow
Now I'm lost in Your freedom
And this world I'll overcome
My God's not dead He's surely alive
He's living on the inside roaring like a lion
My God's not dead He's surely alive
He's living on the inside roaring like a lion
He's roaring, roaring, like a lion

What does that look like – God roaring?  Honestly, I am not sure in this moment.  But here is what I know about a roar – it has sound, action, and is heard by those who can hear.  

I will put some sound and action to my faith.  And this is the great part, I can roar in a non-violent fashion.  I will go vote in October/November.  My roar will be heard – so will yours.

How do you plan to roar? 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Adults Behaving Badly

Despise (v) - to regard with contempt, distaste, disgust, or disdain; scorn; loathe.
Loathe (v) - to feel disgust or intense aversion for; abhor: 

Lying (n) - the telling of lies, or false statements; untruthfulness: Synonyms: falsehood, falsity, mendacity, prevarication. Antonyms: truth, veracity.  (a)  telling or containing  lies; deliberately untruthful; deceitful; false: a lying report. Synonyms: deceptive, misleading, mendacious, fallacious; sham, counterfeit. Antonyms: true, candid, actual, correct, accurate, trustworthy. 

I despise lying. 

The absolutely only time I permit/tolerate ‘lying’ is for a wonderful, sweet surprise.  For instance, my best friend’s husband threw her a surprise party.  When she called to ask me what I was doing (I was sitting in wait for her at the party house), I lied and told her I was chilling at home.  I did this with no guilt because I knew in about 10 minutes she would know where I was and would not be mad for my deception.  She would know it was in an effort to do something fun and wonderful - to celebrate her.  My lie did not hurt anyone and was not told in malice.  I hope you understand my point on this issue.  If not, PLEASE ask me.  (This applies for Santa, The Easter bunny and the tooth fairy in my home.  They all brought good things and my kids benefited greatly from this childhood pastime.  Sarcasm is also included – it is for laughs and fun.)

Any other time is inexcusable in my book, especially with grown adults.  I expect it from kids and teenagers; they are still growing and learning.  But by the time you are in your 20’s, you know better.  And know this about me – I almost always can tell when you are lying to me or someone else.  There are times I do not – usually because I do not know the person or situation.  But if you are an active or even a casual by-stander in my daily life, I am going to know.  Maybe not right away, maybe not the next day, but I will know.   When I find out, I won’t be happy.  Neither would you, right?  Let me take this moment right now to ask – if you are not upset when some lies in any malicious manner, please speak up now.  I want to talk to you.  Truly – I do.

I got a phone call from someone a few weeks ago and I knew what he was saying was a lie.  I confirmed a few days later that it was; that person lost their job over their deception. 

I got an e-mail from someone and part of what was written in it was not accurate.   The consequences of this person’s actions will affect their child.  Why?  What are you trying to do?  Do you think I am dumb?  Guess what, I am not.  I have my moments in life where I might forget something or not understand, but I know a lie when I hear it or read it. 

I can name many incidents where a fellow believer has lied to me or my child, or believed a rumor and passed it on as fact, spread gossip, took facts out of context or tried to make something bigger/smaller than it actually was.  This last one is a very popular form of deception among women for some reason.  Again, why?  Are you feeling insecure and this makes you feel important?  Do you think that this makes you look better to others?  News flash – it doesn’t!  Others see right through it.  I am not the only person walking around on the planet with the super power of lie detection - comes with parenthood.  

My heart really hurts for those who do not believe, are a new Christian or a young Christian starting on their journey of faith.  When they witness the actions and words of adults and those actions do not match up to scripture, it sends a message.  And they get it loud and clear.  My daughter has received this message on many occasions over the last few years.  She calls it ‘adults behaving badly’.  She is absolutely right. I am proud that she recognizes what it is; I am sad that she has to witness it at all.

What about secrets and privacy?  Keep it private.  You do not have to share someone’s secrets or private information in order to not lie.  Say truthfully, “I am not able to discuss this matter” or “That is not for me to talk about” and then ask them about the family dog.  Being discrete is not lying.  Check the definitions above.  There is a difference.  Being tactful is not lying either, it is the telling of truth layered with love and grace.  

Tact (n): 1. a keen sense of what to say or do to avoid giving offense; skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations. 2. a keen sense of what is appropriate, tasteful, or aesthetically pleasing; taste; discrimination.
How do you deal with someone who has lied to you?  Do you practice the art of being tactful?  And yes, it is something that has to be practiced.  Lying seems to come way to easy.  (Reference Genesis and a lady named Eve.)

Saturday, June 23, 2012

New Chapter

My dear daughter is 16 and as of June 1st, is a licensed driver.  I thought that when the day would come, I would be an emotional mess.  Guess what - I wasn’t.   The first time she drove off by herself, it was strange, but I did not cry.  Probably had to do with the fact that I was too busy to be emotional.  I was helping to put a party together – there is no crying in party planning!

About a week after she got her license, she wanted to go to her best friend’s house.  This is a 23 mile, one-way trip on back roads.  Her dad and I said in unison, “No.”  However, after me taking her there a few more times and some review of the roads, when she asked again a week later, I let her go – twice.  She had to call when she got there and before she left.  And she had to be home before dark.   She did great on both trips. 

After a day of running errands in town, she came back home with no problems.  Next morning though, the car would not start.  She thought it was her battery.  But it didn’t sound like the battery; sounded like she was out of gas.  Especially when she told me that her gas gauge needle was on ‘E’.  So now she was off in my van, with her dad’s gas container, to the closest station for a gallon.  After she put it in her car, it started - lesson learned.

She drove herself to a baby- sitting job yesterday and a meeting at church this morning.  Tonight, she got a chocolate craving and without me thinking a wink about it, I asked her to pick up some paper towels.  She got her dad’s debit card, the car keys and drove to the store.  She arrived back home with the items and started baking the cookies.

I can say with all honesty, that this new chapter in my daughter’s life has started smoothly and I am thankful for not being a cry-baby momma.  Maybe the emotions will come at another stage. But for now, I am enjoying this new phase in our life.   That is, until she needs to drive on the interstate by herself.  That day is coming.  I will let you know if I needed tissues.

And yeah, I know she is growing up way too fast …