Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Olympic Memories

Olympic Flags and our ticket stubs from the soccer game.

Pretend you are listening to the Olympic Fanfare while reading this.  I tried to imbed the audio file but could not get it to work.  Bummer.

They are coming!  I am so excited.  I have always enjoyed the Olympics.  And I really like it now that the winter and summer games are not in the same calendar year.  

I have always admired the cities with the privilege to host the games.  But I never would have thought I would be close to something so historic.  So when the 100th anniversary of the Olympics came to Atlanta – well - it was spectacular! 

I barely caught it on camera.  They were riding fast!
At the soccer game.  Olympic flag at half-staff.
I saw the torch relay in Mt. Juliet, TN right down the road from where my brother lived.  My sister was on the Olympic Dream Team, so she scored us some tickets to a concert for the volunteers.  I rocked out with James Brown and some other famous people – way cool!  She also got us tickets to a soccer game.  We traveled to Birmingham, Alabama to watch it, but my husband and I did not care a bit.  We drove all day, watched the game in the rain, brought souvenirs and drove home.  We left our daughter, who was six months at the time, with my mom.  On the way home we drove by the cauldron – more spectacular!

We went to Centennial Park, post bombing, and had an incredible time – again without the baby.   We traded pins, purchased a few more souvenirs and overall had an amazing time with thousands of people from all over the world.  I heard more languages that night than I thought existed. 

I remember being glued to the TV watching as much as possible – the opening ceremonies, all our favorite events and of course, Kerri Strug completing her historic vault and the US Women’s gymnastics team winning gold.  

The kids and I visited Centennial Park today.  I had not been since Shelby was 2 ½ - that was when we saw our brick for the first time.  Going back 14 years later so much has changed – more memorials were built, several playgrounds, an amphitheatre, and reflection pools.  The tribute to the athletes is complete.  We are planning to return on a day when it is cooler and we can spend more time.  Spencer is nursing a sore foot and Shelby was not feeling so great this morning.  But they both still enjoyed the park.  Being there was nostalgic and I cannot wait for the opening ceremonies on Saturday!
Our first visit after the Games.  Oct. 1998.  Shelby is 2 1/2.  Being held by Robert Taylor, my cousin. 
July 2012. 

Posing with the "swimming" emblem

Found our brick - like my hand shadow?

Kids touching the brick - we had to do it fast cause it was hot.

Ga. Aquarium in the background - one of our favorite places.

With the soccer emblem

 Are you getting excited about the Olympic Games?  What are your favorite events to watch?

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sixteen Things I Love About You

***   I wrote the following to my daughter on her sixteenth birthday. *** 


1.     I love that you are a girl!  I know that may seem silly, but I always wanted my first born to a girl.  I wanted to name you Shelby and for you to have blonde hair and blue eyes.  God granted me the desire of my heart on January 18, 1996.

2.    You were the best baby/little girl ever.  You hardly cried except when something was really wrong.  You started sleeping through the night at 6 weeks, took great naps and woke up happy.  You loved people even as a baby.  You had no problem going to stay with a friend or family member.  Yet the moment I came back, you were ecstatic to see me.   You never climbed where you were not suppose to, did not get into cabinets, took care of your toys and to the best of my knowledge did not destroy anything in your early years.  Yes my dear, you were such a great little girl!

3.    You know how to be a friend.  Even from a very young age, you were so kind to other kids in your classes at church.  And Elizabeth was blessed to have you in her life.  I still remember you helping her clap her hands, stomp her feet, play with her toys and taking care of her.  You truly loved her and in her own special way, she loved you too.  Now that you are older, you continue to be a true friend.  Lots of so-called friends have walked away from you and that is their loss; but you have stayed faithful and true to who you are and God is blessing you!  

4.    I love to watch you in the water.  From that first summer I got you in the pool, you took to the water like breathing.  I had never seen anything like it.  You did a great job at 2 and 3 years old freaking out my friends by jumping in the pool, in the deep end!  You knew how to swim - somehow, it was programmed in your body!  I also remember the day you came up to me and told me you wanted to swim like the professionals.   We got you signed up for year round swimming and you blossomed!!  I love watching you swim – you are so graceful and elegant in the water.  My favorite is the backstroke, though you do a great butterfly as well.  And those flip turns … yeah! 

5.    I love to hear you sing.  Do you know that I sometimes stand outside your door or down the hallway and listen to you singing and I smile so big?  Yep – I am a stalker that way!  I am so proud you serve on youth praise team and now you are in chorus.  Keep using the voice God gave you for his Glory!!  It is beautiful!

6.    I love your personality.  And bless your heart; you did get a good mix of me and your dad.  It is the “dad” part of you that causes us to bicker and not get-along sometimes – ha ha!  (Don’t tell him I said that though, ok?)   But seriously, you have a great personality – you are full to overflowing with life.

7.    Your love for dogs.  I am thankful the Lord helped me get over my dog aversion and welcome Opal into our home.  Then again a few years ago with Trixie.  I enjoy watching you with Trixie and her with you.  I can tell the two of you have a special connection – it is precious.

8.    Your sense of adventure.  You definitely got this from me!  You enjoy going new places and seeing new things.  And you have the “bug” to travel.  I hope we do get to go to New York very soon.  And Paris!  I am also glad you know how to pack all by yourself – you have been doing that since you were eight.

9.    How you keep your room clean.  Ok – this one may seem a little silly, but it is so worth mentioning.  You always have done a great job in keeping your room organized, picked-up and clean.  And you desired to do it on your own with little prodding from me.  A few years ago when you re-decorated your room, you picked out the color, furniture and knew exactly what you wanted.  Even now, you are making changes here and there and making it a reflection of you and your great style.  And it stays clean!

10. Your love for kids.  You are a great babysitter, nursery worker and tutor.  Kids are drawn to you and you to them.  I enjoy watching you play with the toddlers at church and holding the babies.  You are going to be a wonderful mother some day.  That day is a long, long time from now, understand?  

11.  Your love for Christmas.   I am very thankful you get so excited about Christmas and especially the decorating.  As I have gotten older, I am not so excited about it all as much as I use to be.  So it makes my heart happy to see you decorating the tree, putting out the décor and getting things prepared.  And each year you find something to make as gifts.  You are getting really good at this.  Keep up the spirit of Christmas all year. 
12. You are very photogenic.  This is a good thing as I enjoy having photos of you all over the house!  In almost all the pictures, your incredibly beautiful blue eyes sparkle and shine.  And your smile is always big and wonderful – even when you did wear braces.  I still hope you find some work modeling – you would be great at it!

13. Our late night talks and giggle fests.  We started having these about two and a half years ago.  As you were growing in maturity and facing new and challenging situations, we found ourselves sitting on my bed and talking about all kinds of things.  Some very serious and some just flat out hilarious.  You have sat on my bed and laughed the biggest laughs and cried the biggest tears.  I would not trade one minute of it.  Each time was precious because I was beside you.  And I will continue to be here – always!  

14. The ministries you serve in at church.  You serve because you want to – not because I made you or you felt obligated.  You wanted to!  It is how you knew the Lord was drawing you to that area.  You do a great job – keep going for the Glory of God.  Which brings me to my next item …

15. Your relationship with the Lord.  There have been times when you were weak and there are times when you are strong.  I see the Lord working in you and your life in wonderful ways.  Recently, you started attending a bible study with some girls your age.  Again, it was something you desired.  The very best relationship you can have is with the Lord.  The desire of my heart is that the desire of YOUR heart be to love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.  Do this, my sweet Shelby, that it may go well with you for all your days.  I know the Lord has your future in His hands!  

16. And last, but certainly not least - For being the best daughter in the world!  You are!  You really, really are!!!  I love you with all I have.  I love you forever, I like you for always.  As long as you’re living, my baby you’ll be!!

Happy Sweet Sixteen, Shelby!
Love, Mom

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Who Let the Dog Out?

In our home, we currently have one dog - a Papillion/terrier mix named Trixie.  I will write in another post about how she came to our home, got her name, her traits, etc.   We had another dog named Opal.  Her nickname was momma dog, she was a Border Collie, very smart, and trained Trixie in the ways of going potty, playing, eating, and how to beg for treats.  After Opal’s passing last September, Trixie went through a time of mourning.  She would still come if we called Opal’s name and did not want to go outside alone.  Opal had always, always gone with her.  But with time, she realized that Opal was not coming and she soon became her own dog.

One of the two things she has developed in the last ten months is the joy of car rides.  I put on my shoes, grab the keys and she is begging to go.  The words “car ride” or “go” cause her to spring from the couch like Tigger.   She travels well so we take her as often as possible.  The other thing is that she is now very particular about which human takes her outside.  My son can forget about it.  Not going to happen.  She will hide from him before he can get her out the door.  Me?  Well, only if she really, really, has to go or if the favored ones are not home.   My daughter is successful.  She is one of Trixie’s favorite people, they have a great relationship and she will potty for my girl.  The one person in the house though that has a 100% success rate for getting the pampered pooch to pee is my husband.  I think he might actually be a dog whisper and not a horticulturalist.  He has spoiled her though.  He takes her down the inside stairs to the basement door so she can walk oh, so casually to the back yard.  Or he gives in and lets her go out to the front yard – only a few stairs to the grass.

Last night I heard a storm approaching.  I looked right at Trixie and said the following. “Little girl, if you need to potty you had better go now.  A storm is coming.  So let’s go!  Go potty!  Come on!” and I opened the back door.  She stayed on the deck.  I relented and took her to the front yard.  She stood on the grass and looked at me like I was crazy.  I announced to the rest of the family that it was a ‘no go’ for Trix and to be prepared for an accident.  My husband then said, “I’ll take care of it.”  Five minutes later, she joyfully went potty for the hubsters.

So in our house, my husband is the one who lets the dog out.  It is not because I don’t try.  It is because he is the favored one in the eyes of the canine.  This includes the early morning wake-up calls.  Being un-favored for potty time has its privileges.   I am favored for treats and car rides!

Do your pets have favorites?  Who lets the dog out in your house?  Or would it be more applicable to ask who does the dog walk first thing in the morning?

Friday, July 6, 2012

All Caught Up

There was a status on Facebook from a blog I follow.  For fun, it asked the question one day of how many loads of laundry were waiting to be done.  The responses were along the line of “I am never caught up.  One day, I hope to get the laundry done.”  The majority of responses were from women and they were unhappy with their allotted load of laundry.  Think about it – the laundry will never, ever, be caught up.  If you start in the morning and washed every article of clothing, every dirty towel, and all the bed linens, when you go to bed at night, you will take off your outfit of the day, and ta da – dirty laundry!   Yes, your laundry marathon will give you a few days of rest, but before long, another load awaits.  There is only way to avoid going to bed without one item of dirty clothing.  If a person decided to achieve this, I pray they have lots of blinds, the blinds are closed and no unexpected company decided to drop by for the day.  What a show they would get …

I do a load or two of laundry a day and as long as everyone in the house has a clean outfit to wear, we are good.  If I open my underwear drawer and it is empty – I need to do some laundry.  And unlike my husband, I can’t turn mine inside out and get another day out of them – ew!  

Same thing for the house; you can clean like a mad woman all day.  But then the husband comes home with his dusty shoes and ta da – the floor is dirty.  Or the dog.  Or the kids.  You get the idea.  I will clean my house to perfection before company comes over, but within about ½ an hour of their arrival, the food is out, dishes are getting dirty, debris is tracked in on the floor, and some child has used the bathroom and not flushed the toilet.   

So where did this phrase/expression of “I need to get caught up” come from?  Our parents?  Their parents? 

I say we do away with the phrase.  It is not applicable to life at home.  I propose from now on we say something along the lines of:
  • I need to wash a load of laundry so I have clean underwear for tomorrow
  • The kids are washing the dishes.  After all, I cooked dinner
  • Time for the house to be vacuumed – the youth group was here yesterday and well, you know how that is.
  • The toilet is indicating it is time to cleaned.  How you ask?  It rang. (Me and my sense of humor here.  Hope you got it!)
What new phrases or expressions do you recommend?