Monday, April 29, 2013

And a Friend’s a Friend Forever

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of spending some time with friends.  Not long after I was married, Shan and I joined a Sunday school class at our church in Snellville.  The class had an average of 50 – 60 couples.  (The size of some small churches.)  And though the class size was large, the closeness from all who attended was strong.  The bonds of friendship grew and developed during those years.  Not only did many of us grow in our relationship with the Lord, we grew closer to one another and learned how to minister, serve and LOVE!

As it goes, people parted ways, left the church, changed classes, etc.  However, the ties of friendship were not broken.  That was evidenced this last Saturday as a few of the couples reconnected for a time of fellowship.  There was no schedule, program or games.  We ate and talked and laughed.  We remembered all the fun events we attended together.  We remembered the wonderful bible studies and fellowships.  We all pulled out our phones and showed each other pictures of our kids, most of who are now grown.  The main feeling expressed by all was, “Oh my goodness, your kids are how old ”  Most of the ladies in attendance were all pregnant together at some point in time.  How is it possible that they are in high school, college, or have their first job?  

The saying time flies is SO TRUE!

It was a blessing to talk to each one and catch up on their lives.  I am blessed to still attend church with a few of the families and Facebook keeps me connected to the rest.  We will do this again and I hope that even more people can attend.  Here are some photos from the fabulous evening…

Me and Chris.  She is a little bit older than me, but I have been married TWO WHOLE HOURS longer than she has!  This is a great picture.  Chris always looks amazing, but it is hard to get a good picture of me.  I liked this one so much I made it my profile pic on Facebook - that is a big deal!  We talked and talked and talked.  I also found it ironic that this picture captured some of my personal items that are never far from me - my water, phone and glasses. 

Another great picture.  And this one proves my point from above - it is hard to get a good picture of me.  See?  My eyes are closed.  But the other three ladies are so beautiful so I had to include it, even if it meant you seeing my silliness.  Chris, Dionne, and Jeannie

The Dennistons, Howards and my man.  It was his birthday but he does not look any older.

The back of Scot's head, David, Joyce, Jeff and then look carefully in the background.  See Chris?  She is talking to me and it was crazy! 

(Scot is talking)  "On my, look at the time!"  This is so funny!

Allison (my sister and best friend) and Joyce.  Both of these ladies were in the delivery room when my youngest was born.  Good times. Good times.

All the ladies.  We were so loud talking, the men retreated to the outdoors.  Left to Right: Diane, Allison and Rebekah, Joyce, Me, Chris, Jeannie and Dionne.  We agreed that evening that every ladies' age was 45.  Next time we get together, we will still be 45! (please note the author of this blog was the only one in attendance who had to be older than her actual age to meet this requirement - just sayin')  

All photos were taken by the lovely Allison Hunter on her new fancy camera!  I am thankful she took the photos and they turned out so great.

And a friend's a friend forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Mommy, Get Your Gun Part 2

As I mentioned in my previous post, I have taken on a new role of becoming a responsible gun owner and user.  The first step was getting to the range and actually shooting the gun.

A local range in the area offers Ladies Days on Friday.  My husband jumped at this opportunity.  He got off work in the early afternoon, came home, loaded the guns, me and our son into the van and set off for our afternoon adventure.  

We get to the range, check-in, and I picked out my gear: my paper target, a set of “ears” (ear protection) and my eye protection.  There were some strict rules around the shop, which I liked, and now I entered the actual range.   This particular range has two separate rooms.  I had to walk through the first one to get to the second one which had the lane we were assigned.  Walking through room one was enough to scare the stuff out of me.  I could feel each gun shot through my entire body.  I was literally walking on bullet casings and the sound was deafening.  AND I HAD ON MY EARS!!

Upon entering room two, I calmed down.  It was much quieter in there – for a few moments.  Then the one other person in the room shot a 45.  When the ‘boom’ went off, I think I may have peed my pants just a little bit.  (If that was TMI for you, sorry; but I am being very real here.)

At this point, I realized I was either going to completely freak out and run away (my usual response to any stressful situation) or I was going to remember all that I had learned in the past years about facing my fears and doing what I needed to do.  My purpose for being there was very important.  I took a deep breath and walked to our lane.

Shan showed me how to load the gun, switch the safety and release the clip.  I asked him to fire the gun so I could hear how it sounded to be a bit more prepared.  He did.  Then he reloaded the 22, handed it to me and said, “Your turn.”

This was it.  I was going to fire a gun for the very first time.  I was doing it.  I never thought I would do it.  But I am holding the gun.  I am raising the gun.  I aimed at the target.  I fired.  I hit the target.
When I had shot three rounds, I felt finished for the day.  I need to do it some more but it was enough to get me comfortable to use the gun.  I stood and watched my boy take aim.  He is a very good shot.  Shan said I did very well for my first time – I did not miss the target.  However, I was not quite ready to fire the 45.  I finally got use to the one going off next to me, but I did not feel ready to fire my own.  It was not fear that stopped me, but a healthy understanding on my part that I needed to do one step at a time.  For now, I have the 22 in my possession.  Soon, in the next month or so, I will go shoot the 45.  I will be ready then.

So for all you newbies out there – be forewarned.  The shooting range is very intense!  But hang in there!  It does get better.  Remember your purpose, take it one step at a time, and pray hard.  Don’t let fear take over.  For a few brief moments, I thought mine would.  I am so thankful it didn’t.  In the past, I would have cried like crazy.  Shan did tell me my face looked panicked for a few moments.  I can see how I would have looked that way.  The realization of what was happening was intense.  The presence of my heavenly Father to comfort me was also there.  It was more powerful than any weapon.

When was the last time you felt God’s comfort over you?  For me, on most days, it is in the quiet/small areas of my life.   On this particular day at the range, it was HUGE.  Two weeks ago, it was huge again as I fervently prayed over the lives of four firefighters being held hostage.   I was also praying for the SWAT team going in to rescue the firemen.  They had weapons.  They used them.  They were successful.  God was with them.  

And now I am singing a song in my head from when my kids were little.  

God is bigger than the boogie man.
He’s bigger than Godzilla or the monsters on TV
Oh, God is bigger than the boogie man
and he watches over you and me!

May you feel his peace and comfort today and every day.  His peace is very real!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Mommy, Get Your Gun

Well, I did it!  And I have the proof.  I will spare you a photo, especially since my hair has completely changed, but my conceal and carry permit has arrived and is now in my wallet.  Next step: get to the shooting range – and soon.  I actually need and want to carry a gun with me on a trip next week.  I will not be traveling with my family, yet I am not ‘alone’.  I know God is always with me.  And now, I will also have my metal buddy.

If you had asked me years ago about guns, I would have told you, “No – those are so dangerous”.  I did not want them in my house.  I did not want my kids around them.  They scared me.  But I don’t know why they scared me.  I realized later that I was afraid because I was ignorant of them. 

As my son grew, my husband started teaching him about guns.  It started in the typical way – Nerf guns.  Then there was a BB gun, an air soft gun, and now a pistol.  My son owns several large knives, a bow and arrow, and at 12 years of age, he is ready to defend the family from anyone who may dare break into our home or threaten the family.  At least that is how he FEELS about it.

I realized he knew more about the weapons in our home than I did.  As a mother, it is not my desire to put my children in a place they should not have to be. Asking my son to load and unlock a pistol for me was something I deemed inappropriate and unnecessary – unless my hand is broken or I am unconscious.  You know what I mean.

So I am marching on – learning how to use the gun, carry the gun, and being a responsible gun owner.  My husband has informed me he is gun shopping for me.  I have taken the approach with the gun as I did with my reading glasses.  “Well, if I have to have it, I want it to reflect me and be fun!” My new gun is going to have a purple handle.  

May I never have to raise it toward another in defense of my home or children.  But if I do have to, God be with me and the person on the other end. 

I am also reminded of King David.  As a young boy, he was able to use a weapon (sling shot) to defend his sheep from predators.  This skill proved to be a mighty weapon against a terrible enemy.   He learned this skill young and it stayed with him throughout his life.  I am glad my children are learning young.   Hopefully, they will not have the same fears I did.  Fear, after all, is a lie. 

F False
E Evidence
A Appearing
R Real

Do you have a FEAR you need to overcome?  If so, I encourage you to pray about it and be active in destroying the lies that fuel your FEAR.  

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Checking In

Egads!  While on my dashboard this evening, I saw where the last time I posted was in February.  Oops!  I have not meant to go that long without writing something.  Actually, I have been writing, but nothing is post ready as of yet.

I hope to get something out to you soon.  In the meantime, know that all is well.  I survived April Fool's without much ado.  I did not pull any pranks and none were pulled on me.  Oh, oh, that reminds me of the best prank I every pulled on April 1st.  I will have to write about that soon.

Easter was bitter sweet - will probably write about that as well.  So see?  I have material coming, just need to get it down and published.

In the meantime, enjoy this photo taken on Easter of my offspring. 

Happy belated Easter and enjoy your Spring Break!